Battery East Vista

• San Francisco, CA
• 2011-2015
• Parks Conservancy & National Park Service


Battery East Vista, located in the GGNRA offers a prominent view of the Golden Gate and is home to historic brick and earthen batteries constructed in the 1850’s. With much of the historic site destroyed, the design simultaneously reconstructed the historic path that linked the batteries, while creating a clear link for the bicycle and pedestrian trail that connects to the Golden Gate Bridge. The centerpiece of the project is a theatrical overlook that provides people a place to stop and take in the iconic vista.

Viewing scopes frame key strategic points and introduce visitors to other attractions within the park. Sustainable measures included custom designed permeable concrete paving and native plantings composed of plants collected by seed on site prior to construction. The project involved steering a large group of stakeholders that included the Parks Conservancy, NPS, archaeologists, historians, preservationists and ecologists.

Ramsey Silberberg served as a Principal on the project while at Meyer + Silberberg Land Architects. Images ©Meyer + Silberberg Landscape Architecture, Inc.