Mission Alley Oasis

• San Francisco, CA
• 2019
• CLIENT: Confidential


Working with brick. architecture, Mantle transformed a derelict parking lot in San Francisco’s Mission District into an artistic and inventive amenity space for a newly renovated office building.

The client identified the alley-side lot as an asset beyond parking, and challenged Mantle to work with a very limited budget to create a fun and welcoming gathering space that still allowed for parking. The prompt hit upon two tenets of Mantle’s philosophy: that creativity, not big budgets, is what is needed to make memorable spaces; and that constraints inspire inventive design.

Embracing the hybrid program, Mantle developed a “kit” of improvements that build off existing conditions. The primary move is to paint a graphic pattern on the asphalt to mask traditional parking lines and create a visually playful geometry. Other artistic interventions include weaving within the existing chain link fence colorful bands that reflect the cultural vibrancy of the Mission District, and introducing movable terraced seating that can be used for gathering, events and outdoor meetings. The project is an example of how inventive, adaptable design at any scale and budget can humanize and repurpose valuable outdoor spaces, revitalizing our urban landscape.

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